Curtain Viewer - A Dominican, with the Attributes of Saint Peter Martyr

This extension makes use of IIIF and the Victoria and Albert Museum - Curtain Viewer which is based on OpenSeaDragon, using the curtain-sync plugin for comparing naturally aligned image variants, such as those obtained by multi-spectral imaging, supplied as canvases in a IIIF manifest.

The images presented here are all representations of A Dominican, with the Attributes of Saint Peter Martyr about 1490-1500 by Giovanni Bellini which was presented as part of the Close Examination: Fakes, Mistakes and Discoveries exhibition and is described in more detail here.

This viewer is limited to displaying three images at a time, but one can select any three from the set provided.

The Example


The details included in the content and content right variable will be presented as previously described, however the data included in the named file, in this case curtain-example-01.json will be processed and displayed in the curtain viewer. Please note that a full resolvable URL id required for this file rather than just the local filename.

Curtain Viewer IIIF Collection Manifest JSON file

As with the other JSON files the curtain viewer data needs to be organised in a series of JSON objects, an example of which is provided below, for a live presentation of the example of code please see the curtain-example-01.json file.

More general details of the variables and formatting required for the version of the IIIF Collectiono manifest used in the curtain viewer can found here.

    The Curtain JSON File

        "@context": "",
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "sc:Collection",
        "label": "The National Gallery Registered Image Examples",
        "attribution": "The National Gallery",
        "description": "The images presented here are all representations of <a href=\"\">A Dominican, with the Attributes of Saint Peter Martyr about 1490-1500</a> by <a href=\"\">Giovanni Bellini</a> which was presented as part of the <a href=\"\">Close Examination: Fakes, Mistakes and Discoveries</a> exhibition and is described in more detail <a href=\"\">here</a>.",
        "logo": "",
        "viewingDirection": "left-to-right",
        "related": [
                "@id": ""
        "manifests": [
                "@id": "",
                "@type": "sc:Manifest",
                "label": "A Dominican, with the Attributes of Saint Peter Martyr",
                "service": [
                        "@context": "",
                        "@id": "http://a-dominican-with-the-attributes-of-saint-peter-martyr",
                        "label": "National Gallery  Example",
                        "terms": ""
    The complete curtain JSON file used to define the manifests and images presented in this example.

    Page JSON Object

        "parent": "extensions",
        "class": "curtain",
        "file": "",
        "title": "<b>Curtain Viewer</b> - <i>A Dominican, with the Attributes of Saint Peter Martyr</i>",
        "content": "<p>This extension makes use of [IIIF|] and the [Victoria and Albert Museum|] - [Curtain Viewer|] which is based on [OpenSeaDragon|], using the [curtain-sync plugin|] for comparing naturally aligned image variants, such as those obtained by multi-spectral imaging, supplied as canvases in a IIIF manifest.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The images presented here are all representations of [A Dominican, with the Attributes of Saint Peter Martyr about 1490-1500|] by [Giovanni Bellini|] which was presented as part of the [Close Examination: Fakes, Mistakes and Discoveries|] exhibition and is described in more detail [here|].</p>\r\n\r\n<p><b>This viewer is limited to displaying three images at a time, but one can select any three from the set provided.</b></p>\r\n\r\n<h3>The Example</h3>\r\n[##]\r\n<br/>\r\n<h3>Summary</h3>\r\n<div class=\"alert alert-info\" role=\"alert\"><h4 class=\"alert-heading\">Extension Variables</h4><p>For this extension to work the <b>class</b> variable needs to be set to <b>curtain</b> and the <b>file</b> variable needs to give the name of the additional json file including the IIIF collection manifest defining the set of images to present, as shown below.</p></div>\r\n\r\n<p>The details included in the <b>content</b> and <b>content right</b> variable will be presented as [previously described|pages.json.html], however the data included in the named file, in this case <b>curtain-example-01.json</b> will be processed and displayed in the curtain viewer. <b>Please note that a full resolvable URL id required for this file rather than just the local filename</b>.</p>\r\n\r\n<h3>Curtain Viewer IIIF Collection Manifest JSON file</h3>\r\n\r\n<p>As with the other JSON files the curtain viewer data needs to be organised in a series of JSON objects, an example of which is provided below, for a live presentation of the example of code please see the [curtain-example-01.json|] file.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>More general details of the variables and formatting required for the version of the IIIF Collectiono manifest used in the curtain viewer can found [here|].</p>",
        "content right": "",
        "displaycode": true,
        "name": "Curtain Viewer"
    The complete JSON object used to define this content and layout of this page.